Answering the deniers of magic upon the prophet ﷺ



  1. A) Was the prophet ﷺ bewitched ?



  1.   Argument # 1 : Quoting Abu bakr al-jassas al-hanafi al-mu`tazili (d. 370 a.h) in Defence.
  2. Argument # 2 : This report has only come from Aisha.
  3. Argument # 3: Objections revolving around Hisham.
  4. Argument # 4: The hadeeth is conflicting and mudtarib.
  5. Argument #5 : Magic affected the status of prophethood of the Messenger of Allah.
  6. Argument #6 : Magic upon the Prophet is an `Itiqadi issue (i.e. an issue of creed).
  7. Argument # 7 : This is an Ahad narration so we reject it.
  8. Argument # 8: The two surahs Falaq and Naas are makki whereas the incident of magic is Madani.
  9.    Argument # 9 : The magician Labid ibn `Asam is unknown.
  10.      Argument # 10 -His tribe banu zuraiq’s existence is unknown.
  11.    Conclusion


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