Claim: Scholars have counted the miracles of the Prophet (ﷺ) in thousands.[1] However, there are some who deny the narrations where the miracles are mentioned because they state that they contradict the Qur’an and the Hadith.[2] They ...
LIST OF NAMES OF SOME FAMOUS HADITH REJECTERS WHOSE WORKS ARE INTOXICATING THE MINDS OF A LAYMAN MUSLIM. Ignác (Yitzhaq Yehuda) Goldziher (June 22, 1850 – November 13, 1921) (a Jewish person) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, (also Sayyid Ahmad Khan) (October ...
By Kaleef K. Karim • May 27, 2013 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم This article is a response to hadith-rejecters. According to them prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and his companions forbade the writing of Hadiths. I will respond to all the Hadiths they ...
1. Introduction In recent times Mr. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi has come up as the champion of fresh and unorthodox interpretation of Islam reaching out to Pakistani audience. It‟s not the time to dwell and comment on the background and reasoning for ...
By Kaleef K. Karim • May 16, 2013 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم It has come to my attention from some Hadith-rejecters they say that we Muslims (Sunnah) are committing shirk for testifying that Muhammed (pbuh) is a Messenger of God. The ...
Maulana Abu al Ala Moududi has written in his book Tafhumaat vol1, “Muhaddithin may have also human weakness or errors. They were also human and may also have enmities with narrator. So, it may be possible that a muhaddith ...
Question 1 : The rejecters of Hadith say that Hadith cannot be accorded legal status since Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam prohibited the recording of Hadith Answer : Hadith was recorded in the era of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, even though it was restricted ...
Rejecting the upheaval (fitna) of Quranist (who Trust only Quran & no Hadith)” In Light of Quran. 1. WHY I AM WRITING THIS These days there is a secession, upheaval or chaos (fitna) is been spread among Muslim’s ...